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Tips To Handle Anxiety Around Career, Retirement, Planning a Family, & More

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Depression and anxiety are becoming more openly talked about in our society. While the stigma around mental health seems to have been reduced in recent years, it’s still a topic we avoid at work, which is often the root of our stress. We’re offering our suggestions on how to deal with anxiety around your career, retirement, planning a family, and more.


Money is unfortunately still a taboo topic. With only 27% of people saying they feel their company is transparent around salary, it makes sense that talking about current money struggles or planning for retirement is uncomfortable. If planning for the future is keeping you up at night, we recommended seeking out information from your HR department to better prepare you for planning for retirement or planning for a family. Being prepared is the first step in feeling more confident about the future and will give you a better grasp on handling any anxiety or depression that may come with it.

We’ve all asked this question before

Am I on the right career path? If you hear an incredible work story from a friend, or how someone from your high school is already the CEO of their company, or how your childhood neighbor is jet-setting across the globe on all expenses paid work trips, it’s easy to start questioning your own work situation. This can cause an inward spiral of anxiety and make you wonder if you are in the right place in your career, or even if you are on the right career path altogether. Of course, sometimes this sparks up unknown passions that can lead to a career switch, but often it is rooted in comparison. Take a breath and know that everyone’s career journey is different, every industry is different, and be confident in the decisions you’ve made to get you to the point you’re currently at. If you feel like you have stalled in your career, consider reaching out to your company’s training department for some additional resources or take matters into your own hands and sign up for a free course online.

Change it up

If you’re currently unemployed, and your days tend to be spent inside searching for your next job, change up the scenery a bit. This could include adding in a morning walk to getting some fresh air, seeing companies in your area, and networking. It could also be as simple as going to your local coffee shop and setting a few hours to work on cover letters, tailored resumes, and job applications. These may seem like simple steps, but the change of your environment could give you a new outlook on your job search and add in some extra positivity to your day.

It's okay to ask for help

Whenever we are in hard places or have things in our lives going on that aren’t great, we often find ways to avoid the conversation altogether. Job searching, working on furthering your career, planning for a family while working, and setting up a plan for retirement are things that everyone goes through. Talk to your friends and family and see what they advise. We understand that some of these conversations may not be easy, and some people might not want to discuss things in detail, but getting the conversation going will allow you to feel more confident in the situation at hand and give you a fresh perspective. If you’re feeling really stuck it might be time to seek out professional help, and good news, many insurances today offer some kind of coverage for mental health so be sure to review your plan ahead of time.

Be sure to sign up for our 24 Seven Academy here for more resources on career decisions, skill building, negotiation tips, and more tips and tricks to instill confidence and avoid career anxiety.