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5 Reasons To Rethink The Counter Offer

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Did you just give your two week notice and are ready to pursue your new job, move, or new adventure? The hardest step was deciding that it was time to leave your current job, and now you are off to make yourself happier, congratulations!But sometimes, it isn’t as easy as that. Why? Two words: Counter Offer.You feel confident in your decision, and know full heartedly the reasons behind your choice, but now with more money, new benefits, or a promotion you begin to question if leaving your current position is a mistake. It might seem like the easy road to just say yes to all the items on the table, maybe even impossible to say no, but stick with your original decision. Research shows that 85% of employees who accept a counter offer are gone within six months. Keep in mind the reasons below when faced with this hard choice:

  1. The inevitable. Remember all the reasons you decided to start looking for a new job and that the time had come for you to leave your current position? Accepting a counter offer does not eliminate the dissatisfaction that you have been feeling.

  2. Money isn’t everything. Yes, a salary increase might seem like it can fix some of the issues at the time, but the same issues will still be there. Keep this in mind in advance.

  3. The trust has been broken. Once your employer knows that you have been looking, the trust has been broken which can cause an uncomfortable work environment moving forward.

  4. Burning bridges. Keep in mind that if you accept a counter, you are putting the company who extended the offer in a compromising position. They have to start their search over and could have negative feelings towards you.

  5. Prepare for a drought. Do not expect another raise for a very long time. Also be prepared to be reminded about your salary increase, on a constant basis.

Check out the complete Counter Offer Tip Sheet for more advice on what to do in this tricky situation.