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Stay Motivated In Your Job Search This Holiday

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Just because other people take time off during the slow holiday season doesn’t mean you should take time off from your job search. The combination of the holidays and the end of the year tends to create a sense of urgency within companies, which often results in them needing extra help with a small selection of candidates.  Make the most of your downtime at the end of the year, when other candidates may have put their searches on pause.

Less competition

Hiring is a year-round process. Even though companies may appear to be slowing down around the holidays or may even close the last week of December, the workflow is still present. With the pressure to close out projects before the end of the year and start the new year on the right foot, hiring managers may realize that they need added headcount to help. While your competition is taking a break from job applications over the holiday season, take advantage of the open positions while there are fewer applicants. Need help applying? Check out our full resume resource here for our recruiters’ top tips!

Networking Opportunities Abound

The holiday season is the perfect time to boost your networking skills with holiday parties for different companies, industries, and alumni groups scheduled throughout the month of December. No matter the stage of your job search process, these events can be incredible opportunities to get to know people from other organizations or even within your own company. You never know who someone knows, whether it is a connection at your dream company or insights to the hiring process of an application you’ve already submitted. If you aren’t feeling up to going out to networking events, the end of the year is also a great time to connect with others through a quick personalized holiday note.

Start Small

Set small, achievable goals. New Years is right around the corner, but why wait for the new year to set goals? Setting small goals will not only get you through the holiday season but will set you up to start the year on the right foot. Here are some small goals to set to keep you motivated and on top of your job search:

  1. Update your resume

  2. Attend at least 1 networking event and meet at least 2 new people

  3. Make a list of job titles and companies you’re interested in

Want a jumpstart on your job search? Meet with one of our recruiters or browse our current job opening here!