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Refresh Your Professional Image for 2020

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When is the last time you gave your professional image a makeover? Or even a few quick edits and a filter? Our professional image no longer lives specifically on our resume, but can be viewed by hundreds (maybe thousands) of people easily online. Regardless of your end goals, it is very important for freelancers to constantly be updating and refreshing their professional image to continue getting new leads and freelance assignments.

Step up your resume to secure freelance work

Starting with your resume, as it is most likely the first thing a company sees when they go to hire you for a freelance position, is the perfect way to get started. Does your resume have colors? Are you showing some of your personality through the bullet points? Does your experience match the freelance work you are trying to get? Is all your contact information up to date? Do you have a portfolio of your freelance work you can include? Our main tip for refreshing your resume is to do research on your dream role and figure out how you can align your resume to meet that job’s objectives and needs. For more resume tips, you can access our full resume resource here.

Refresh your portfolio to gain the attention of your freelance recruiter

A standout portfolio will allow employers to get to know your personality and have a better understanding of the skills that you can bring to the table. Be sure to include contact forms, your contact information, client feedback, and past freelance projects, while also showing your creativity. Making contact forms as simple as possible with your information easily accessible removes any question of whether you got the message and allows for potential employers to easily get in touch with you. If you have testimonials from past clients or your freelance recruiter, they can be very powerful to build credibility and give insights to your future employer. Just be sure you have permission before posting online! Finally, be sure you include past work experience and samples, whether that is writing samples, designs, photos of artwork, app layout maps, or branding guidelines.

Refreshing your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile is a critical part of how you paint your professional image online and to your freelance recruiter.  Make sure your current role is correct, and all past positions properly communicate your experience, career objectives, and skills. Your LinkedIn is a great way to expand upon your resume, as you do not have to fit it all into one page! Also be sure you have an updated headshot, cover photo, and headline. Remember, LinkedIn is a professional network and freelance recruiters and hiring managers use it as a professional search engine.A professional image refresh may be exactly what you need to get the career attention you require to help build your freelance work this year. Be sure to sign up for full access to our 24 Seven Academy for other tips that can help you grow your freelance business and refresh your professional image.