While commonly known as the most wonderful time of the year, the holidays are also the season for most companies. With the increase in volume of online commerce, and Digital Marketing and e-Commerce roles in high demand, we wanted to share some of our top tips to help you prepare for the holiday season.
Digital trends to help your team this holiday season
These digital and e-commerce trends will help you prepare your team for the holiday season, and maybe even add a few new skills to your repertoire.
The customer is always right
This saying doesn’t only apply to your in-store customer service team. Having an open line of communication with customers at every step during their online purchase is crucial. Whether this means installing a chatbot, having a team provide on the clock email or phone support, or having automated messaging options in place, ensure that all options are accessible through both desktop and mobile. Having happy customers will impact your online reviews which is today’s online currency. Making sure that your customers leave happy and with a high chance of recommending you and coming back to purchase again is the end goal.
Black Friday, before Friday
Each year Black Friday sales start earlier and earlier, and this year will not be an exception. In addition to sales starting as soon as the week before Black Friday, countries that do not celebrate Thanksgiving are also beginning to partake. Whether you extend the sale or double down on Cyber Monday, customers now expect sales to occur the week of Thanksgiving. Make sure your teams are properly trained and stacked to meet all customer support, sales, and shipping needs.
Make it mobile
As mentioned above, mobile sales are only going to increase in the coming years. According to bigcommerce.com, “it was predicted that e-commerce will be increasingly driven by mobile commerce, jumping 32.6%.” Ensuring that your e-commerce platform and website are mobile-friendly should be one of your top priorities headed into the holiday rush. And making sure you digital, design and technology teams are ready to go ahead of the holiday season is a must! We have the perfect holiday talent for all your development and tech needs.
But is it on Amazon?
Today, 2-day shipping is the standard. If it won’t be here in 2 days (or less) why should your customer order it? From free shipping to the near-instant gratification of expedited shipping, the barriers of online shopping are continuing to be broken down. Another great way to increase holiday sales is to list products through an Amazon page. Selling through Amazon is user-friendly for both you and the customer and can increase your customer database just by utilizing a new platform. It is imperative to stay ahead of the trends when it comes to Digital Marketing and e-Commerce this holiday season. We hope these online holiday sales trends are helpful for you this season as you plan your strategy and hire your digital talent. For additional holiday trends, click here, and to ensure your team is stacked with top e-Commerce talent for all your needs, click here.