In today’s world, most consumers can be easily reached online, which is why we’ve seen digital marketing explode in recent years. From email to social media, and search, we’re breaking down the latest trends in digital marketing.
Where Do I Start?
Regardless of the industry you work in or the products and services you sell, your company’s online presence is key to your digital marketing efforts. With a strong digital footprint in place, staying abreast of the trends across the digital marketing landscape is key. To keep your business moving forward, you must continually adapt to the changes around you. We’re sharing the latest digital marketing trends to watch not only now, but into the increasingly digital future.
Make Video a Priority
Ensuring that video is an active part of your strategy across social, email, and your website will be vital to the success of your digital marketing. While text-based content has a time and place, it will never have the same impact as video. Video content feels more personal and enables companies to connect with their audience on a deeper level. We’ve seen this recently take off with apps like Tik-Tok and streaming features through Instagram like IGTV and Instagram Live, which continue to draw in a larger, more engaged audience on a daily basis.The importance of Video Marketing as a digital marketing job has grown with the advent of these social media platforms. If producing high quality video content is a strong suit, there are plenty of freelance and full-time opportunities to pursue.
Content Marketing is Key to Successful Digital Marketing
Content marketing is a key element of any successful digital strategy. The goal is to create quality content that speaks to the needs of your customers and is delivered at the right time through the most appropriate channel. The reason for this targeted approach – as search engines get smarter, marketers must first think about how to tailor and target their content to ensure it's delivered to the proper target audience and is keyword optimized. Keeping this in mind will keep you at the forefront when clients go searching online.
Personalize, Personalize, Personalize
In today’s marketing landscape, personalization is essential. Everyone likes to feel recognized, right? The same goes for your customers. They want to feel like you’re speaking directly to them. Email continues to be a major communication channel both for personal and professional needs. As email marketing has evolved, consumers are seeking a deeper level of personalization when they interact with any given message in their inbox. When you are able to effectively target something specific to an individual, such as a product or topic of interest, you are far more likely to have an action driven response. While this can prove to be extremely effective, the opposite is also true. Poor personalization can be a major turn off. So when it comes to customizing content, the integrity of your data will make all the difference.
Be transparent and leave the door open for feedback
Customers are savvier today than they were yesterday, and they have no qualms about opting out of emails or unfollowing on social media if they feel a brand’s messaging is inauthentic. To be successful, digital marketers must carefully craft their brand voice and ensure all messaging is consistent in tone and language. Don’t be afraid to show your point of view in your content as long as it falls in line with your mission. Customers want to feel connected with the brands they love, so opening the door for conversation is a great way to keep them engaged. Let customers give you and your company insights on how your digital marketing efforts and campaigns are faring, whether it’s through a chatbot on your website or regular surveys, find a platform that lets you interact with your target audience on a deeper level.
Not all channels remain equal…
In order for digital marketers to be successful, they have to define their target personas and determine how to best reach them. This is especially true when it comes to selecting which channels to deliver your content on. Does your customer consume news online? Do they love Instagram or are they more of a Facebook user? Are they an early adopter of Tik Tok? Answering these questions will help you better understand the persona of your target audience and know which channels to invest in. These are also important questions to revisit frequently because your customers’ behaviors will change. While Twitter and Facebook are part of most social strategies, if your consumer has transitioned to Instagram and your content isn’t there, you’re missing out on a big opportunity to connect. As usership across Facebook has slowly declined, Instagram has steadily inclined, with its user base continually engaging and following brands of interest who display content in a digestible, visually engaging way. If this is a field you’re looking to move into, a digital marketing hiring agency may be the way to do so. Creative staffing agencies are often looking for professionals who specialize in social media campaigns and effective messaging.
It’s all in the data
Great marketers utilize data to make informed decisions. From Google Analytics, to Social Listening and Email Analytics, there’s a wealth of available data for marketers to tap into. Artificial Intelligence is another trend to watch as it allows marketing professionals to understand their customers at a deeper level and detect emerging trends before they become widespread. Data is a double-edged sword, while it is important to take data into account when building successful digital marketing strategies, it is also exceedingly easy to get too wrapped up in the data. Creating meaningful relationships with customers is about empathy and understanding, not just numbers. Meaningful marketing campaigns should never lose the human aspect of marketing because they were too focused on the numbers. The world of digital marketing is ever evolving, and as a digital marketing professional, you must adapt to the role with agility. What worked last month may not work this month, so we recommend keeping an eye on trends, adjusting accordingly, and keep your skills up to date. 24 Seven can help with your digital marketing recruitment search! Don’t miss a beat – check out more resources here!